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Why is react.js better than JavaScript?

Why is react.js better than JavaScript?


React.js, a JavaScript library, empowers developers with a dynamic framework for building interactive user interfaces, distinct from JavaScript. In this blog post, we explore Why is React.Js better then JavaScript.

most used framework globally peer bits

What is React.js?

React.js is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components. It is maintained by a community of individual developers and companies, including former-Facebook-owned-by-now-Instagram. React enables developers to efficiently and flexibly build complex, dynamic user interfaces. Developers compose the UI from small, isolated pieces of code called “components”. This component-based approach makes the UI declarative and allows developers to create large applications that change quickly in response to user input. learn more about react.js on their official website.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a powerful and versatile programming language that adds interactivity to websites. Initially designed for browser-based development, it now finds applications across diverse environments. JavaScript, a fundamental technology in web development, excels in crafting dynamic behavior, managing data entry, and delivering interactivity.

Top reasons why React.js is the best framework

Top reasons why React.js is the best framework

Disadvantages of javascript:

Here’s a summarizing the disadvantages of JavaScript:

Performance IssuesJavaScript can be slow, especially with complex DOM manipulations or rendering large datasets.
Browser CompatibilityDifferent browsers may interpret JavaScript code differently, leading to inconsistencies across browsers.
Security ConcernsJavaScript is susceptible to security vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
Debugging ChallengesDebugging JavaScript can be challenging, especially with asynchronous code or errors that halt the rendering of a website.
Visibility of Source CodeJavaScript code is visible to anyone who views the source code of a webpage, posing a security risk.
Complexity in Large ApplicationsDeveloping large applications with JavaScript can be challenging due to the need for managing numerous libraries and frameworks.
Lack of Multiple InheritanceJavaScript does not support multiple inheritance, which can limit its usefulness in certain programming scenarios.
Performance on Older Devices or BrowsersJavaScript’s performance can suffer on older devices or browsers, making it less suitable for applications that require high performance or complex 3D graphics rendering.

What is the Virtual Dom?

The virtual DOM (VDOM) is a programming concept used in libraries like React, where an ideal or “virtual” representation of a UI is kept in memory and synced with the “real” DOM. This allows for efficient updating and rendering of UI components when data changes, improving performance and stability. The virtual DOM is a key feature of React, enabling a declarative API and abstracting out manual DOM manipulation for building web applications.

What is Real Dom?

Real DOM, or Real Document Object Model, refers to the actual HTML structure of a web page that is rendered on the browser screen. It represents the physical elements of a webpage that users interact with directly. When changes are made to the Real DOM, the entire DOM tree is updated, which can be slow and inefficient, especially for complex applications. In contrast, the Virtual DOM is a lightweight copy of the Real DOM used by frameworks like React to enhance performance. It allows for more efficient updates by only modifying the relevant nodes in the tree, resulting in faster and smoother application performance.

React.js Vs JavaScript Key Differences:

Here are the key differences between React.js and JavaScript:

PopularityLaunched in 1995, the most preferred programming language over the years with a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks.Released in 2013, popular but not directly comparable to JavaScript’s overall popularity due to its specific use within the JavaScript ecosystem.
Ease of LearningEasier to learn than React, especially for developers familiar with HTML and CSS.Has a steeper learning curve due to JSX syntax and component-based architecture.
PerformanceHigh performance for simple operations, but can be slower for complex UIs due to manual DOM manipulation.Known for fast performance, especially with its virtual DOM, making it ideal for high-traffic applications.
Future OutlookContinues to be a core technology for web development with ongoing updates and improvements.Backed by Facebook and a large community, with continuous improvements and a strong future outlook.
TestingTesting, depending on complexity and preferences, can change and be manual.React promotes component-based architecture, simplifying testing by unit and integration tests.
SecurityBuilt-in security features, but requires careful implementation to prevent vulnerabilities.Vulnerable to attacks due to interoperability, but security can be enhanced with third-party applications.
UI ManipulationDirect manipulation of the DOM, which can be less efficient for complex UIs.Uses a virtual DOM for efficient updates and rendering, improving performance for complex UIs.
ConvenienceLightweight and requires no additional libraries, making it suitable for smaller projects or tasks.Offers component-based architecture and state management, which can be more convenient for building complex applications.
MaintenanceLarge applications might be costly to maintain, and having a lot of JavaScript in the same file can affect code readability.Allows for the building of pluggable and reusable components, making maintenance easier.
UpdatesTo stay current, update regularly for standards and security protocols.Developers must stay updated with React’s evolving ecosystem and practices.
Cost to DevelopGenerally lower for smaller projects or when using plain JavaScript.Scalability and maintainability benefits outweigh additional libraries for larger projects.

Why Choose React over JavaScript?

Here are some key points to choose React.js over JavaScript:

  1. Individual reusable components: React.js allows you to create reusable components, making your code more modular and maintainable.
  2. Faster speed: React.js enables faster rendering of web applications due to its virtual DOM and efficient updates.
  3. Ease of creating complex applications: React.js simplifies the development of complex and dynamic web applications, handling data changes without reloading the entire page.
  4. Component-based approach: React.js promotes a component-based approach, making it easier to manage state and handle data changes within components.
  5. Built-in state management: React.js provides a built-in mechanism for managing states within components, allowing for efficient updates and rendering of UI components when data changes.
  6. Scalability: React.js allows developers to build scalable and high-performance applications, making it a suitable choice for large projects.
  7. JSX: allows and components, create easier JSX JavaScript manage structure the The to UI use XML.

These key points highlight the advantages of using React.js over plain JavaScript, as it offers a more structured and efficient approach to building web applications.virtual DOM, and efficient rendering.

When should we use react.js?

Use React.js when building complex, dynamic UIs, handling multiple state changes, integrating third-party solutions, ensuring reliability, and flexibility.

  1. Multiple state changes: React.js efficiently handles intertwined state changes in projects, tracking updates in the application and refreshing the DOM.
  2. Complex and dynamic UIs: Craft intricate, dynamic UIs in React.js with efficient updates, rendering, and reusable components for data changes.
  3. Large ecosystem: React.js excels in terms of applications, offering versatility and scalability, with a vast ecosystem for seamless third-party integration.
  4. Reliable and stable: React.js excels in reliability and stability, an ideal choice for applications requiring exceptional dependability.
  5. Flexibility: React.js allows flexible usage—developers can use as much or as little as needed, without enforcing strict code conventions.
  6. SEO-friendly: React.js is SEO-friendly, enabling the development of web applications that are easily discoverable by search engines.

Choose React.js for building intricate, dynamic UIs, managing numerous state changes, integrating with third-party solutions, ensuring reliability, and SEO-friendly flexibility.

When should we not use react.js?

React.js is not always the best choice for every project. Here are some scenarios where you might want to consider alternatives to React.js:

When You Are Worried About Your App’s Size.

React.js can significantly increase the size of your application. Adding React to your app adds more than 121 kilobytes of code, which can lead to slower loading times and potentially impact user experience negatively. For applications where performance and load times are critical, frameworks with smaller bundle sizes, such as Vue, Preact, and Svelte, might be more suitable. Additionally, the requirement for all JavaScript to download before rendering can affect SEO and initial page load times, although solutions like server-side rendering with Next.js can mitigate this issue.

When You Need Fast Rendering

React.js uses a Virtual DOM to optimize rendering, which can be beneficial for many applications. However, for applications that require extremely fast rendering, such as games or highly interactive creative applications, the overhead of managing the Virtual DOM might not be ideal. In these cases, using vanilla JavaScript or a framework that compiles to optimize JavaScript, like Svelte, might offer better performance.

When You Want a More Powerful Markup Language

While JSX, React’s syntax for combining JavaScript and HTML, is powerful and flexible, it can be verbose. For applications where a more concise and expressive syntax is desired, alternatives like Svelte offer a different approach. Svelte’s syntax is less verbose and includes more abstractions, such as built-in conditional blocks and reactive variables, which can lead to more concise code and potentially less development work.

Considerations for Specific Projects:

  • Performance-Critical Applications: For applications that require the fastest possible rendering, such as games or highly interactive applications, React.js might not be the best choice due to the overhead of its Virtual DOM.
  • SEO-Sensitive Websites: React.js applications, especially those built with Create React App, can have SEO challenges because they require JavaScript to render the content. While server-side rendering can help, it’s something to consider.
  • Small Projects or Prototypes: For small projects or prototypes, the overhead of setting up a React.js environment might not be justified. In such cases, simpler alternatives like Vue or Svelte might be more appropriate.
  • Learning Curve: React.js has a steep learning curve, especially for developers new to modern JavaScript concepts. For teams that are already familiar with React.js or are willing to invest time in learning, it can be a great choice. However, for teams with limited resources or those looking for a quicker ramp-up, alternatives might be more suitable.


React.js brings a lot of benefits to the table that make it a favorite for modern web development. Its combination of declarative syntax, component-based architecture, virtual DOM, unidirectional data binding, rich ecosystem, JSX syntax, and effective state management makes it highly maintainable, scalable, and efficient. contribute to the development experience.


1. Is it better to learn JavaScript or React?

Start with JavaScript for a solid foundation, then learn React.js for building complex UIs efficiently.

2. What is the advantage of using ReactJS?

ReactJS offers reusable components, flexibility, performance, strong community support, and is SEO-friendly, making it ideal for building scalable and efficient web applications.

3. Why ReactJS is better than next JS?

React.js offers more control and flexibility for custom components and scalability, making it better for complex applications requiring flexibility and customization.

4. Why is ReactJS more popular?

React.js is more popular due to its efficient performance optimization, component-based architecture, large and active community, and adoption by major companies like Facebook, Netflix, and Airbnb.

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